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ENGL 203G: Shakespeare: ENGL 203G - Michelini

Students in Professor Michelini's ENGL 203G classes can use this page for help with finding sources for their Midterm Research Project.

For this project, you will design a research question based on one of the plays read in class and then find at least 5 reliable sources that help you explore an answer to that question. You will present your findings as slides, posts, or flyers created with Canva. 

Below, you can learn more about some of your options for finding your sources for this assignment, such as:

  • Suggested library databases & collections
  • Suggested websites
  • Tips for building & troubleshooting your searches
  • Highlighted books from the library collections

The other pages of the guide may help as well - especially Finding Books & eBooks and Citing Sources

Refer to Professor Micheline's complete assignment instructions and guidelines in your ENGL 203G course site in Blackboard.

Suggested Library Databases & Collections

Suggested Websites

Depending on your topic, the websites of professional organizations and associations, museums, and historical societies could be helpful as well. 

Tips for Building & Troubleshooting Your Searches

Search Keywords

Use words that precisely describe the ideas you are looking for. The database or tool will search for that word and if it appears in the title, publication information, summary, or text of a source it will show in your results. Think of synonyms, related ideas, and the words experts might use to discuss your topic. Adjust your keywords as you continue searching. Group keywords that represent one idea or phrases “inside quotation marks.” Combine separate ideas and search keywords with AND/OR connections. Examples: 

  • fate and “free will”
  • “patriarchal society” and marriage and “Elizabethan period”

Search Filters

Many library databases and tools have filters you can apply to help you navigate your list of results. Sometimes you can choose these options when you first enter your search but sometimes you need to apply them after you have a search started. Look for the following and consider using them, and others, if they may be helpful:

  • Full-text
  • At my library
  • Scholarly / Peer-Reviewed
  • Source or Document Type
  • Date or Publication Date

Accessing Full-Text

If you selected Full-Text as a search limiter, you should see a link somewhere on the page to the PDF or HTML text version of the source. Depending on the database, this link may be in different places. Sometimes you may see Open in..., View record in..., or Full-Text Finder in EBSCO Discovery Service, which means the source is located in another database. It's usually just a few more clicks to get to the PDF or HTML text in it's original location if that is the case.

Cross-reference & Follow Breadcrumbs to Other Sources

If you find a source that you really like, or even one that is almost what you are looking for, but not quite right, look at the list of sources in its reference or bibliography section. There may be helpful sources listed there that you can track down and use directly in addition to or instead of the source you started with. 

Submit an Interlibrary Loan Request for Items Not in the Library Collections

If you find a source that the library does not have in full text in its collections, or you hit a pay wall when searching online, you can submit an interlibrary loan request, and we will see if another library with access to it is willing to send it to us for you to use. Books sometimes can take a week to arrive, but articles will be shared with you by email and may take only 2-3 days to arrive. 

Troubleshooting - Common Problems - What To Do If You Get Stuck

There are 2 common ways you might get stuck when searching:

  • Problem A: You are getting many results, but not many useful sources. This could be because your topic is too broad or big.
    Possible Solution: You may have to choose some specific examples or identify some smaller pieces and points to focus on. Ask who, what, why, how about your topic to get at a more focused approach, and to find some of those smaller points.

  • Problem B: You aren't getting many, or any, results. This could be because your topic is too narrow or small.
    Possible Solution: You may have to take a step back. Look at the bigger picture and bigger ideas. Think about the context of your topic, what it might be an example of, what larger subject area it falls into. Can you connect it to something else? There may be information about the bigger or related ideas that you can apply to your topic or that your topic illustrates.

Additionally, you can try adding or removing search filters, trying different keywords or combinations of keywords, or switching to another database or tool. Maybe the focus of the collection or resource you are searching is not a good fit for your topic. 

Highlighted Books from the Library Collections

All Things Shakespeare: An Encyclopedia of Shakespeare's World

Available at Bethlehem and Pocono (formerly Monroe) in Reference
2 volumes

Book Cover Art

Critical Survey of Shakespeare's Plays

Available at Bethlehem in Stacks

The Age of Shakespeare

Available at Bethlehem in Stacks

Book Cover Art

Shakespeare's Daughters

Available at Bethlehem in Stacks

Book Cover Art

Shakespeare, Love and Service

Available at Bethlehem in Stacks

Book Cover Art

Coming of Age in Shakespeare

Available at Bethlehem in Stacks

Book Cover Art

Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human

Available at Bethlehem in Stacks

Book Cover Art

Playgoing in Shakespeare's London

Available at Bethlehem in Stacks

Book Cover Art

Shakespeare the Thinker

Available at Bethlehem and Pocono (formerly Monroe) in Stacks

Book Cover Art

The Definitive Shakespeare Companion

Available at Bethlehem & Pocono (formerly Monroe) in Reference
4 Volumes

Book Cover Art

A New Companion to Shakespeare Studies

Available at Bethlehem in Stacks

Book Cover Art

Shakespeare and Modern Culture

Available at Bethlehem and Pocono (formerly Monroe) in Stacks

Book Cover Art

Shakespeare's Language

Available at Bethlehem in Stacks

Book Cover Art

Shakespeare's Names

Available at Bethlehem in Stacks

Book Cover Art

Shakespeare's Philosophy

Available at Bethlehem and Pocono (formerly Monroe) in Stacks

Book Cover Art

Shakespeare's Originality

Available at Bethlehem and Pocono (formerly Monroe) in Stacks

Shakespeare: Contrasts & Controversies

Available at Bethlehem in Stacks