An alphabetical listing of the library's subscription databases and favorite open-access resources. Not sure which will be a good fit for your topic? Use the subject or source type (streaming video, ebook, peer-reviewed, etc.) filters to find one.
EBSCO Discovery Service searches multiple NCC Library databases, as well as our Library Catalog. Quickly discover the best articles and books on your research topic!
One of the essential databases to your NCC research experience! Search for your topic here to find articles from scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers and other reference sources. Many articles are full text.
IBISWorld Industry Reports is a collection of reports for industries within the United States. You can discover industry performance, outlook, products and markets, major companies, operating conditions and key statistics. This resource provides industry specific reports related to products, market segmentation, supply chain, SWOT analysis, benchmarks and much more.
One of the essential databases to your NCC research experience! Search for your topic here to find articles from scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers and other reference sources. Many articles are full text.
Looking to see if the library has full-text access to a particular newspaper, magazine, journal, or other periodical through our databases? You can use Publication Finder to search our subscriptions and coverage.
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