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ENGL 356G: Modern Poetry

Using SpartaCat (the Library Catalog)

SpartaCat, the NCC Library Catalog, is an online tool that allows you to search for items owned by the Library. This includes books, encyclopedias, movies, audio, print periodicals, e-books, and more.

Disclaimer: For the Fall 2020 semester, items are only available by Library to Go request for campus pickup or UPS delivery. Our physical collections will not accessible to the public. 

You have the option of performing many different searches within the library catalog:

Image of SpartaCat search screen


Basic Searching in SpartaCat

Words or phrase: If you are looking for a general topic (like "global warming"), it is best to start here. It will search the title, summary, table of contents, and publication information of each of our books for that word or phrase.

Author: If you are looking for books by a specific person, search here. For example, if you want to find books by Edgar Allan Poe, enter his name like this: Poe, Edgar Allan.

Title: If you know the specific title of a work, enter it here. For example, if you want a copy of the book On the Road, enter that title in this search box. 

Subject: Search the Subject Headings list. These are like #hashtags. They are the main word or phrase used to catalog the book and reflect what it is about.


Finding Books in the Library Collections:

To find books our on shelves, you will need to know the location and the call number of the book:

image of search results

image of SpartaCat item information


Common locations for library materials:           
Stacks: The largest collection on the Bethlehem campus library's main floor. These books can be checked out for 3 weeks.            
Reference: These books must be used in the library only. You can use the photocopier to make copies of the pages you need.           
Media Tower: Item is a DVD, VHS, or CD (although children's and young adult materials are in this location too) in the Bethlehem campus library.   
Online: Digitial e-Book or streaming video that must be viewed by clicking the access link.            
New Books: This is a special section of the Libraries where the recent additions to our collection are stored.
Monroe: Items are at the ESSA Bank & Trust Foundation Library at Monroe campus.

Request Items from the Library's Physical Collections

Request items from our physical collections for library pickup, delivery, or digital access.

Our Library to Go service for students, faculty, and staff lets you request items from our physical collections for free UPS delivery or library pickup. Portions of library materials may be scanned for email delivery or access through our Digital Reserves in Blackboard. 

Search SpartaCat or work with a librarian to find items. Once you know which items you need, submit your request.