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Nursing (NURS): Find articles online

Find journal articles in databases

The library has many databases that contain nursing and allied health content.  They include CINAHL (EBSCOhost),  Health Source: Nursing (EBSCOhost), ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Source.

To find Nursing journals in the database, look at the source information.  If the journal has nurse or nursing in the title, then the journal is a nursing journal.  There is not a way to just search nursing journals.  All the databases contain journals covering all aspects of health and medicine.

Tips for using databases

1. only use single words or phrases for your search terms.

2. mark full text, so only complete articles will be listed in the results

3. use the filter to mark a date range to find current articles

4. look at the subjects assigned to the article

5. when you print the article in a pdf format the citation information will not print.  You will have to copy and paste into a document or you can save the article to the cloud or Google drive.

Health Source Nursing Academic Edition

ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health

CINAHL with full text

EBSCOhost health databases

Click on the link above, and then click on health, and you can search all of EBSCOhost's health modules at one time including: Academic Search EliteAssociates Programs SourceCINAHL with full textHealth Source Nursing and Academic Edition, and Master File Premier.

Search EBSCO Discovery Service

Health Sciences databases

Evidence-based Practice ANA

PubMed Central PMC


“Source: National Library of Medicine.”


Enter your keywords in the search box.  

The results will display.  

Narrow the search results to find a great source by using the filters: 

Text Availability: Choose Free Full Text

Article Type: Choose anything but books and documents

Publication Date: Choose 1 year or 5 years

“Source: National Library of Medicine.”

Open Access Journals

Open Access Journals are full - text peer - reviewed, scholarly journals that are available on the Internet for free to anyone, no login is required to access the full text of the article.


Clinical Simulation in Nursing (online journal)