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ENGL 203G: Shakespeare: Finding Articles

Databases - Find Articles

TIP: To access databases from off campus, enter your Northampton SSO (Workday) username and password, when prompted.

Interlibrary Loan/Request an Article

The Interlibrary loan request form is available for articles that NCC library does not available in full-text format in our databases.  Simply fill out the form and we'll do the rest!  You will be contacted when the article is available for pickup.  

Shakespeare Quarterly and Shakespeare Studies

Use the links below to search NCC Libraries' electronic copies of Shakespeare Quarterly and Shakespeare Studies:

Shakespeare Quarterly

Shakespeare Studies                                


EBSCO Discovery Service

What is the quickest way to search NCC Library databases??

EBSCO Discovery is the answer!  NCC Library's EBSCO Discovery service will allow you to search all of the library's online databases and catalog at the same time.  Using EBSCO Discovery, your search results will include, books eBooks, journal articles, streaming video, magazines, newspapers and more!  


EBSCO Discovery Service Tutorial