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Early Childhood Education (EARL)

This guide is intended for students in the Early Childhood Education program. It will help you locate children's picture books in the Library collection, and conduct research using our online databases.

Video: What Is a Database?

Using Library Databases From Off-Campus

To log into a database from off-campus, click on the database link, then type the same user name and password that you use to open your "Student Workday" account. Once you have logged in, you will be able to navigate to other Library databases without having to type your password again during that searching session.

EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) -- The Super Database!

EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) is the most powerful database at the Library, allowing you to search many smaller databases all at once. Search results include:

  • Articles from journals, magazines, and newspapers;
  • Descriptions of materials in the Library's collection, such as books and DVDs;
  • Links to online resources like e-books and streaming videos.

Be sure to click the box labeled "Limit to Full Text" in order to find the entire content of articles.

Library Databases for Education Research

These two databases are focused exclusively on Education topics.

The following databases cover a variety of subject areas, including Education and Psychology.

Finding Periodicals by Title

If you're interested in a particular journal or magazine, and want to find the Library database where it's located, use the Publication Finder. This tool allows you to search by title or subject, and will show you which database contains full-text coverage of each periodical.

Here's a brief selection of Education-related periodicals that you may find using the NCC Library's databases. There are many others!

Titles marked with an asterisk (*) are also located at the Library in print format. To find out which issues are available, use SpartaCat to search for the title and limit the Item Type to "Serial" or "Periodical." You may borrow print periodicals for one week, or copy the articles you need with the photocopier or scanner. If you need a copy of an article sent to you by e-mail, please request it by using our Library to Go PLUS service.   

APA PsycArticles (part of the EBSCOhost database)

  • Developmental Psychology
  • Journal of Educational Psychology
  • School Psychology


  • Child Development*
  • Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development*


  • American Journal of Play* -- Also available free on the publisher's website
  • Early Childhood Education Journal*
  • International Journal of Early Childhood
  • Journal of STEM Education: Innovations & Research
  • Teaching Young Children
  • YC: Young Children*

Other relevant periodicals that the Library subscribes to in print include:

  • Child Development
  • Child Development Perspectives
  • Early Childhood Education Journal
  • Zero to Three