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Education (EDUC)

This guide will help you find and evaluate information on early childhood through secondary education.

Why Bother Citing?

Citing your sources properly can help you avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is when you purposefully or accidentally use someone else's words and/or ideas without giving them credit (AKA citing your source).

Northampton Community College's Academic Honesty Policy states that the penalties can include:

  • Redoing the assignment
  • An F for the assignment
  • An F for the course

Plagiarism in Depth

Citing: Quick Start Guide

In Text Citations & References

What's the difference between references and in-text citations?

References belong at the end of your paper in a separate list sometimes known as a Works Cited page, bibliography, or reference list depending on the style you are using.

Example (APA style):

Click, P. (1994). Caring for school-age children. Albany, N.Y: Delmar Publishers.   

In-text citations belong in the body of your paper. You will provide a citation after you mention each fact that you have found from a research source (article, book, website).

Example (APA style):

(Click, 1994)