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Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMSG)

Finding journal articles

To find journal articles in databases use these features of the tools to help you.

EBSCO Discovery Service, EBSCOhost databases, ProQuest

1. Mark full text

2. Mark scholarly/peer reviewed

3. Use a date range to find current articles, such as 5 years

PubMed Central PMC

1. All the articles are full text and scholarly/peer reviewed

2. Mark 5 years as a limiter

Search EBSCO Discovery Service

EBSCO Discovery Service: Tips for using


Below the box with the search term(s) you will notice boxes that contain filters.  A filter is a way of reducing the number of search results by type of source and date of the source.  In the picture below, the ALL FILTERS box says 2, and those 2 filters are full-text available online and peer reviewed.  If you click on ALL FILTERS a window will open with more filters.  ALL TIME refers to when the item was published.  You can limit how many years will show in the results.  Go to the next picture to learn more about filters.


Filters allow you to make your result list smaller, by using source type and date range as a filtering tool.  You should always use full - text available online as a filter.  Depending on your assignment, you may not need peer reviewed.  You change the source type to book, ebook, academic journal etc. 


PubMed Central PMC


“Source: National Library of Medicine.”

ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health

EBSCOhost health databases

Click on the link above, and then click on health, and you can search all of EBSCOhost's health modules at one time including: Academic Search EliteAssociates Programs SourceCINAHL with full textHealth Source Nursing and Academic Edition, and Master File Premier.


Enter your keywords in the search box.  

The results will display.  

Narrow the search results to find a great source by using the filters: 

Text Availability: Choose Free Full Text

Article Type: Choose anything but books and documents

Publication Date: Choose 1 year or 5 years

“Source: National Library of Medicine.”

PLOS Public Library of Science

PLOS stands for the Public Library of Science, and this is an open access source (free to all via the Internet) containing full text of journal articles on all areas of science and medicine.

The following journals make up the PLOS platform:

PLOS One: this online journal has full text original research articles in all areas of science

PLOS Biology

PLOS Medicine

PLOS Genetics

PLOS Pathogens