The Gale databases provide translations of English-language text into a variety other languages, or allow you to listen to the text being read aloud. After you locate an article in the database, click on the tools shown below.
The EBSCOhost databases, including Academic Search Elite, APA PsycArticles, Business Source Elite, CINAHL, MasterFILE Premier, and SocINDEX, also have translation and listening tools (see icons to the right). You can change the language you use to search the database by selecting a different language from the drop-down menu shown below.
Look for these titles and other Russian-language materials in this section of the Library: PG2001-2826
The Films on Demand database offers a variety of instructional videos to help you learn a new language. These titles are just a sample to get you started!
Ultimate Guide to Pronunciation -- These lessons cover the proper pronunciation of vowels and consonants, as well as reviewing mistakes to avoid. There are several languages in this series, including:
Languages in Three Minutes -- This series covers basic elements of conversation, such as greetings; introducing yourself; saying "please" and "thank you"; asking "how much," "where," and "why"; making an apology, and much more. Many languages are included in this series, such as: