Scholarly Journals
Trade Journals
EBSCO Discovery Service is a tool that allows you to search a large portion of the Library's collection using a single search box. Your search will return articles from our databases, access to ebooks, streaming videos and information on print books at both the Bethlehem and Pocono Libraries.
Researching a controversial, persuasive, or current topic? Use this source to find long reports covering popular topics. Each report covers the background of the issue, current happenings, looking to the future, and pro/con arguments.
ProQuest - Science & Technology
Includes full-text science & technology journals and searchable tables & figures.
Other subject databases are available at the Databases by Categories page.
Use ProQuest Direct and EBSCOhost to find articles in journals, magazines or newspapers. Both ProQuest and EbscoHost cover thousands of full-text articles in a variety of different subject areas.
A list of all library databases is available from the A-Z List of Databases.