All of the books in the list can be found at the circulation desk under the Course name: ENGL 264G. Just ask the library staff for the book that you want. You may borrow any of these books for three weeks.
The Reynolds Letters by Lawrence McBride (Editor)
Call Number: DA125.I7 R4 1999
The Prendergast Letters
Call Number: DA955.P74 2006
Oceans of Consolation by David Fitzpatrick
Call Number: DU122.I7 025 1994
Erin's Daughters in America by Hasia R. Diner
Call Number: E184.I6 D56 1983
Irish in American: 550-1972
Call Number: E184.I6 G74
Irish Immigrants in the Land of Canaan by Kerby A. Miller
Call Number: E184.I6 I683 2003
Emigrants and Exiles by Kerby A. Miller
Call Number: E184.I6 M544 1988
Your Fondest Annie by Annie O'Donnell; Maureen O'Rourke Murphy