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COMM 101: Introduction to Communication: Tips for Creating Your Speech

This page will lead you to some resources to help you prepare your speech, especially if you need to present a self-recorded video speech. 

Resources for Any Speech

Students in online sections of COMM 101 also have access to the PitchVantage tool, which can give you feedback and suggestions for how to improve your speeches while you are practicing them. Look for instructions on how to get started with PitchVantage in your Blackboard course site, or ask your professor for more information. 

Tips for a Self-Recorded Video Speech

Plan ahead

Prepare a script or bullet points to help keep you on track.

Dress well - as if you were giving the speech in person - but wear comfortable clothes.

Choose a good, comfortable spot to film yourself. Avoid echoes, background noise, and distracting elements. Find good lighting -- natural light is best.

Set up your camera. Configure the settings to achieve the best picture quality possible. Landscape mode tends to work better than portrait mode. Position the camera at eye level. Make sure to frame yourself well. Leave some headroom to avoid cutting off the top of your head. Center yourself in the frame or follow the rule of thirds.

Use a microphone if needed to ensure a crisp, clear sound so that your viewers will be able to understand you.

Practice your speech and test the camera and microphone a few times before your final recording. 

Resources with Additional Tips