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Sociology (SOCA): Articles in Databases

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Find Articles

Learn how to search the NCC Library Databases for newspaper, magazine, and journal articles.

Why use articles?

Articles are a part of a larger published work. Some articles can provide general overviews or basic facts about a topic. Others can provide information about very specific aspects of a topic or present the findings of in-depth research studies about it.

Why use library databases to find them?

Many newspaper, magazine, and journal articles can be difficult to find and access with a basic internet search. They might require a paid subscription in order to read them and may not be meant to be available to the general public. The library pays for access to these articles through our databases so you can use them for your research. Library database search results are also unbiased, which is not always the case with Google. 

You may be required to log in with your Northampton single-sign-on credentials (your student id number and Workday password) in order to use our databases off-campus or from your own device.