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EMGS 256: First Responder Stress Awareness and Management: Finding Journal Articles

NCC Library Databases

NCC library databases are the best place to find research articles on first responders and emergency management.  You will find everything from research studies, to newspaper and magazine articles in the databases.

Click below to explore NCC Library databases in a variety of ways:


EBSCO Discovery Service & ProQuest Central

EBSCO Discovery Service is the library's broadest search tool; giving you the ability to search all databases and the library catalog simultaneously.  This tool is available right on the library's homepage. Please see below:


Our search terms are "first responder and stress management". Be sure to check the Full Text limiter to retrieve content that is fully available.


 Below are some results from searching "first responders and stress management" as keywords:



ProQuest Central is another excellent database to search for sources on first responders and emergency management.

Our search terms are "first responders and stress management", and we are using the full text and peer reviewed search limiters.



Below are search results for our terms "first responders and stress management".  There are a wide variety of sources available; including scholarly journals, magazines, and trade journals.



Interlibrary Loan/Request an Article

The Request an Article form is available for articles that NCC library does not available in full-text format in our databases.  Simply fill out the form and we'll do the rest!  You will be contacted when the article is available for pickup.