The library has many books and eBooks in its collections related to topics discussed in Geography classes. Learn how to find them in the library's collections using SpartaCat, the library's catalog, on this page. eBooks can also be found using EBSCO Discovery Service or by searching specific eBook collections directly.
If you are visiting the libraries to browse for books and items about geography, you'll want to head to the shelves marked G through GF, which cover general geography, atlases, maps, cartography, physical geography, oceanography, environmental sciences, and human ecology. The G-GF range includes these topics:
G1-922 Geography (General)
GA1-1776 Mathematical geography. Cartography
GB3-5030 Physical geography
GC1-1581 Oceanography
GE1-350 Environmental sciences
GF1-900 Human ecology. Anthropogeography
Additionally, you can find books about political geography in the JC section.
Be sure to look in these areas in both the general Stacks collections as well as the Reference and New collections. To locate books about your specific topic, use SpartaCat to find their shelf locations and call numbers.
Our Library to Go service for students, faculty, and staff lets you request items from our physical collections for free UPS delivery or library pickup. Portions of library materials may be scanned for email delivery or access through our Digital Reserves in Blackboard.
Search SpartaCat or work with a librarian to find items. Once you know which items you need, submit your request.
SpartaCat, the NCC Library Catalog, is an online tool that allows you to search for items owned by the Library. This includes books, e-books, encyclopedias, streaming videos, audiobooks, print periodicals, and more.
You have the option of performing many different searches within the library catalog:
Keyword: If you are looking for a general topic (like "global warming"), it is best to start here. It will search the title, summary, table of contents, and publication information of each of our books and items for the word or phrase you enter.
Author: If you are looking for books by a specific person, search using this. For example, if you want to find books by Edgar Allan Poe, enter his name like this: Poe, Edgar Allan.
Title: If you know the specific title of a work, choose this option.
Subject: Search the Subject Headings list. These are like #hashtags. They are the main word or phrase used to catalog the book and reflect what it is about, but they may not appear in the title, summary, table of contents, or publication information the way a keyword would.
While these are the most popular, basic types of searches, you could use one of the other options listed (ISBN, Genre, Series Title, Call Number, or Periodical Title) if it fits your needs.
To find books on our shelves, you will need to know the call number and shelf location of the book. It is also helpful to know its status. You can find this information by clicking on an item in your results list to view its details, and then scrolling to the availability section.
Stacks: The main collection of borrowable books in the libraries. Note the campus location indicated here.
Reference: An area for multi-volume encyclopedias, dictionaries, and handbooks. These books can only be used in the library, they cannot be checked out or borrowed. Note the campus location indicated here.
Reserves: Items set aside at the Circulation or Information Desk for specific courses. They may be in-library use only, have a shorter loan period, or have other restrictions. Note the campus and desk location indicated here.
Media Tower: The item is a DVD, VHS, or CD (although children's and young adult materials are in this location too) in the Bethlehem campus library.
Online: A digitial e-Book or streaming video viewed by clicking the provided access link.
New Books: A special section of the libraries for recent additions to our collection. Note the campus and desk location indicated here.
Browsing: An area for popular fiction and nonfiction titles and bestsellers. Note the campus and desk location indicated here.
Periodicals: A section of the libraries with print magazines and journals. Note the campus and desk location indicated here.
On Shelf: the item is available or on the shelf.
Due xx/xx/xxxx: the item is currently checked out and loaned to someone else. It is expected back to the library on the indicated date.
Look for the Item Type search result limiter.
Select Electronic Books and click Include to add this limiter or filter to your search.
This removes any and all items that are not eBooks from your search results.
In the results, eBooks will be tagged with the words Electronic Resource and their location will be Online. To view an eBook from the search results page, use the link labeled Click Here to Read Online. This Click Here to Read Online link also appears on the eBook's Item Details (or summary) page.
Clicking this link will open the eBook in a new screen. You may be prompted to login with your Northampton username and password before you can begin reading the book.
Watch our SpartaCat video tutorial for a search demonstration.
Available in Reference at Bethlehem, also available online
4 volumes
Available in Reference at Bethlehem
Available in Reference at Bethlehem
4 volumes
Available in New Books at Bethlehem
Available at Bethlehem
Available in Reference at Bethlehem
4 volumes
Available online
Available in Reference at both Bethlehem & Monroe
4 volumes
Available online
Available online
You can search individual eBook collections directly as well. A few of our most popular ones are highlighted below. You can also look for them, and others using the eBook database type filter on our Databases A-Z list.
Credo Reference contains articles and images from books covering all subjects. Also, it provides pro/con articles for topics.
Use this source to access eBooks (online books that can be read on a computer screen). Sorry, no downloads available at this time (these cannot be saved to an e-reader device).
There are many free, open access, publicly available eBooks collections on the Internet. Here are some of the most popular ones used for academic research:
You may discover a book that would be useful for your topic and research, only to find that the library does not have it in our collection. If that happens, you can submit an interlibrary loan request, and we will see if another library that has the book would be willing to lend it to us to lend to you. Plan ahead, as interlibrary loan books might take up to two weeks to arrive. Work with a librarian if you need help identifying books to interlibrary loan or assistance with the request.