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Health Care Office Administration Program (HCOA): Books to Borrow

This Research Guide will help students in the HCOA program find information about diseases, medical procedures, human anatomy, and the management of health information.

It's easy to borrow books with LIBRARY to GO!

Good news!

Even though both NCC Libraries are open again, you can still borrow books and other materials remotely by using our Library to Go service. You can choose quick pickup on campus, or free delivery to your home.

Use Library to Go PLUS to request:

  • Access to materials that your instructor has put on electronic reserve in Blackboard;
  • Scanned pages from reference books like encyclopedias;
  • Scanned articles from print journals in the Library's Periodicals Tower.

Print Books to Borrow (Bring Your Student I.D. Card)

Materials on Reserve

To locate materials that have been placed on reserve by your instructor, click on the Reserve Desk link at the top of the SpartaCat (Library catalog) search screen. Type in the instructor's name and select "Look Up Items on Reserve by Instructor." This will give you a list of all the titles placed on reserve by your instructor and will tell you how long each item can be checked out for use in the Library.