Library subscription databases that require a login from your personal device.
EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS): searches most of the library's databases
Gale in Context Science
To use these databases, see the individual boxes below to locate articles within these sources. These databases can be used on campus or from your personal device. You must login with your Workday credentials.
Choose the option for full text, scholarly journals.
To search for original research articles, use the following search terms:
1. your topic
2. blind trial
There are many databases of science articles available via the Internet. These databases are free and do not require you to log in.
PubMed Central: is from the National Library of Medicine and contains only full text articles
PLOS, Public Library of Science: has many journals related to health and science that contain only full text articles.
BMC Biology
Directory of Open Access Journals
See the individual boxes below to locate articles within these sources.
This source is full text! Use it to find articles related to health, medicine, human biology, & other life sciences topics.
“Source: National Library of Medicine.”
PLOS stands for the Public Library of Science, and this is an open access source (free to all via the Internet) containing full text of journal articles on all areas of science and medicine.
The following journals make up the PLOS platform:
PLOS One: this online journal has full text original research articles in all areas of science
BMC Biology is an open access online journal that provides full text articles for free.