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Online Library Services: eBooks

An introductory overview of the library's online resources and research help.

The library has a wide variety of eBooks available in our collection for your research. You can search for them in a few ways, including using SpartaCat (the NCC Library Catalog), EBSCO Discovery Service, or the eBook collections directly.


Basic Searching in SpartaCat




Keyword: If you are looking for a general topic (like "propaganda"), it is best to start here. It will search the title, summary, table of contents, and publication information of each of our books for that word or phrase.

Try the dropdown box that starts with Keyword for more specific options below:

Author: If you are looking for books by a specific person, search here. For example, if you want to find books by Edgar Allan Poe, enter his name like this: Poe, Edgar Allan.

Title: If you know the specific title of a work, enter it here. For example, if you want a copy of the book On the Road, enter that title in this search box. 

Subject: Search the Subject Headings list. These are like #hashtags. They are the main word or phrase used to catalog the book and reflect what it is about.


Finding eBooks 

After you choose the type of search and enter your search terms (keywords),  change All Collections to Online by selecting it from the drop-down menu there.

Then change the Item Type to Electronic Book and select Include.


Accessing our eBooks

To view an eBook from the search results page, select Click here to read online.


Clicking this link will open the eBook in a new screen. You may be prompted to login with your MyNCC username and password before you can begin reading the book. 


Searching eBook collections directly

You can search individual eBook collections directly as well. They're listed below, but also look for them on our Databases page.

If our eBooks aren't enough

There are many free, open access, publicly available eBooks collections on the Internet. Here are some of the most popular ones used for academic research: