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DENH: Dental Hygiene

Resources for Dental Hygiene Research

Dental Clinics of North America

Dental Clinics of North America (located in the Stacks RK 24.D4)

Each issue contains full-text articles on a particular oral health topic.  Use the the website (link provided) to search by topic in order to locate the issue containing articles on that topic.  The website will only provide abstracts/summaries and citation information for locating the articles in the print edition. When you do a search, the results will be displayed with the title, author, date, volume, issue, and pages.  This information will be needed to locate the actual journal in the library.  All the issues of the Dental Clinics can be found in the Stacks with the call number, RK 24.D4.

Yearbook of Dentistry

Yearbook of Dentistry (located in the Stacks RK 16 Y4)

This tool contains summaries/abstracts of articles from many journals.  Each yearbook is organized by topic.  Citations are provided for each summary/abstract.  Use the citation information to locate the article in the print collection or in a database.

Clinical Case Reports (Open Access Journal)

Oral Health in America: Advances and Challenges

STATISTICAL BRIEF #537: Trends in the Number and Percentage of the Population with Any Dental or Medical Visits, 2003-2018