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BUSA: Business & Marketing: Periodicals

This research guide is intended to help students in Marketing courses find research relevant to marketing trends and industries.

Scholarly journals, popular magazines & trade publications: What's the difference?

How can I tell if an article is from a scholarly journal?

Many professors require their students to use scholarly articles for assignments. What does this mean?

Scholarly articles are found in scholarly journals. They are also known as peer-reviewed articles, peer-reviewed journals, and/or original research articles.

First, what is a scholarly journal?

  • The articles in these journals are written by scholars or academics within a specific field. For Marketing, this means that the authors of the articles are business experts. These articles are peer-reviewed, meaning that other business experts or economists read the articles, and make comments or changes based on their expertise.
  • You will not find these journals in a bookstore. They are very specialized sources and cost quite a bit of money (sometimes thousands of dollars for a one-year subscription!).
  • The appearance of these journals is very plain. Typically, you will find no photographs and very few advertisements (if any).

Now, what do the actual articles look like?

  • These articles contain original research. The expert performed an actual study on a certain subject and is reporting their findings back to you. These are the best sources to use!
  • The articles are often very long and contain charts, graphs, and other visual representations of the study.
  • Look for these parts of the article. If most of these parts are not present, you probably do not have a scholarly article.
    • Abstract: A summary at the very beginning of the paper. It briefly describes what the study is about.
    • Methodology: This describes how the author went about performing the study.
    • Participants: These are the people, or groups of people, who participated in the study.
    • Results: This describes what the author discovered by performing the study.
    • Discussion: This summarizes the entire paper.
    • Works Cited/Reference List/Bibliography: There will be a long list of outside sources that the author consulted while writing the article.

Helpful Print Periodicals

Listed below are helpful periodicals for the advertising and business fields that are available from the Library in print. Please note that many of these titles are also located in the ProQuest and EBSCOhost databases.

If you would prefer to borrow the print copy, drop by the Library to check out the issues you need, or request the volume and issue number through the Library to Go delivery service.

Advertising Age

Harvard Business Review

Lehigh Valley Business

Rotman Management