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Culinary Arts (CULA): Cookbooks for Individual Ingredients

This guide will help you find information about cooking as a profession (including molecular gastronomy and food safety), and restaurant management.

Cookbooks for Specific Ingredients

Books located in the Stacks may be borrowed from the Library with your student I.D. card. To view electronic books from off-campus, enter the same login and password that you use to open your "Student Workday" account.

Browsing the Library Collection

When searching the Library's catalog for cookbooks, you'll see most of them are located in the call number area beginning with the letters "TX." But there are also other locations in the Library where you can find books about food.

  • GT = Food habits and preferences, including food-related customs for special occasions
  • HD = Food industry and marketing, including company histories
  • RA = Health aspects of food, such as diets for weight loss and other medical conditions
  • TP = Fermented food and beverages, including instructions for brewing beer
  • TS = Meat butchering